For companies that have booked exhibit space at RDH Under One Roof, we invite you to take advantage of these free marketing tools to promote your presence and drive traffic to your booth. Tell your customers and prospects how to find you at the show with customizable banners, social media graphics, email signature graphics and more.
* Please link your customized banners to mnvb.shandongzhongyu.com/rdhuor2025/registration
For companies that have booked exhibit space at RDH Under One Roof, we invite you to take advantage of these free marketing tools to promote your presence and drive traffic to your booth. Tell your customers and prospects how to find you at the show with customizable banners, social media graphics, email signature graphics and more.
* Please link your customized banners to: mnvb.shandongzhongyu.com/rdhuor2024/registration
Customizable Banner Ads:
Click below to access an easy-to-use tool to customize a banner ad with your booth number. Banners are available in multiple dimensions.
Email Signature Graphic:
Click below to download this email signature graphic to attach to all of your emails promoting your presence at RDH Under One Roof.
Social Media Graphics:
Let your social media followers know that you'll be exhibiting at RDH Under One Roof this year! Click below to customize social media graphics with your booth number to promote your presence to your customers.
If you have any questions or need help with your custom banner ad, please contact Samantha Nitz at snitz@endeavorb2b.com